Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Our Trip to Washington DC

Man! We have been really busy! We just got back from The Call DC. Yes, Washington DC, where the president lives!!!

We had such a good time. My mom(Penny) and I took the kids. The guys had to stay they couldn't make it. We left Tuesday and drove all the way to DC. Well we actually stayed the night in Ohio and took our time. On Thursday and Friday we were able to do some sight seeing. Then on Saturday we attended The Call DC.

For those who don't know what The Call is:

TheCall is a divinely initiated, multi-racial, multi-generational, and cross-denominational gathering to corporate prayer and fasting. We believe that our nation is in desperate need of the mercy of God and a great Spiritual Awakening. TheCall is committed to mobilizing people from all across America to gather together to petition God for His undeserved mercy for our nation in 12-hour solemn assemblies. Just as in the days of Joel, we believe that now is the time to blow the trumpet across our land, to fast, to pray, and return to the Lord with all our hearts.In the midst of an “entertainment” driven society, TheCall does not seek to entertain, but to encounter God. Unlike other mass gatherings which attract people through the rhythms of loud music, the glamour of flashing lights, or through the appeal of charismatic personalities, TheCall is a gathering centered around the affections of a loving God. There will be no advertised bands and no promoted speakers, as our purpose is not to promote any man or ministry. TheCall is a FAST not a festival. TheCall is a SOLEMN ASSEMBLY not a conference. Whereas conferences focus primarily on training and discipleship, the 12 hours of TheCall are spent primarily before the Lord in the place of prayer and worship. We believe the hour is late and the times are urgent. Our nation is in desperate need of revival and it will be only through the corporate body of Christ uniting in the place of prayer that we will find any hope in this hour. We believe we can see our nation changed as the Lord pours out His Spirit and brings refreshing to the broken, destitute, and the weary across our land.

It was an experience of a life time. To be part of something that is changing history. Going to my first Call revived me. This is my purpose to call out for justice, mercy, and God's glory to come to earth now. I believe we moved mountians on Saturday. It was so amazing to me that people could come together as one, for one cause and fast and prayer(for 12 hours straight). The time just flew and before we knew it was over.
If you want to check out The Call go to

Until next time,

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